Hollingsworth’s Ch. pinky was born July 7th. 1989 the result of a second generation breeding by Mike & Dot Kelly. They had a deep game bitch named Ruby out of Jone’s Ch. Smoker and Frank Rocca’s Red Gal that they bred to Patrick’s little Tater and they bred a bitch out of that breeding to Laminack’s Trouble a son of Ch. Tonka that produced Ch. Tara and Ch. Flint to...
In the late 1980’s a dogman called Cune, from Serbia, imported a dog sired by Van Herpen’s Ace and out of Garlaunis’ Susy from Holland. His registered name was Garlaunis’ Rambo, but he was generally known as Iron Kid. Nobody knows for sure how many fights he won, but his most memorable was when he won over the famous Radonjic’s Jumbo ROM in 50 when Jumbi was picked up and made a game courtesy...
NEMO was born 25 May 1996 in Kamensk-Uralsk. He was strong and energetic puppy who grew up in a folded athletic dog with a good health and great potential. The first was the role of Nemo when he was 14 months. In the 15-minute role with the enemy, which was at 1, 5 kg heavier, Nemo showed attacking style of battle, a strong bite and a good quality fighter. At...
The first time I ever saw Max was probably in 1983, he was about six months old and he used to sit on the street at the door way of a furniture store on the North side of town. He was never tied up or anything, he just sat there 41 day watching the world go by. At this time I owned a Staffordshire Bull terrier and when I walked...
Before we begin our review on Grand Champion “Shady Lady”, lets talk just a little about the one they called The Rebel. Lets talk about The Rebel long before the troubles came about that tarnish the fraternity and tainted his own legacy. To those who actually knew him, you could say he was a true Dogman at the height of his game! It has been said, and rightfully so, that...
To give a quick recap from my previous articles, – Red Boy dogs have been sought out for the gameness that they have been well known for, however with that said a pure, or overly tight Red Boy dog does have its shortcomings and many of these will be addressed here in this article. The Red Boy blood while contributing greatly to gameness in a line also has a reputation...
This is a story about a little black 36-38 lb ace by the name of Sweet Pea. He never had to go over the 45 min mark, shutting his oppents down in short order. Sweet Pea was whelped in September of 1998. He is out of Clemmons’ Dick and Fat Bill’s Ripper. Ripper had produced such good dogs as Tri Valleys Bree, CH Arangadanga, Wicked and other good dogs and...
Ch Beetlejuice was whelped from a breeding between Can-Am Boy’s Ch Becky & WCC’s Rock. Rock was a very good son of Garrett’s Jeep bred back to his half sister, Crenshaw’s Dolly. Dolly was a littermate to Brabham’s Gr Ch Snake. Rock was a very good dog in his own right. As a young dog he was rolled with Ch Cobra (this was when they were both young dogs.) Both...